I have been attempting to use the above feature on a 64 bit Windows 7 professional machine but using the standard 32 bit version of the software (as most users in the organisation still have 32 bit machines), together with EpiData Entry Client v1.4.3.2. My understanding is that the process should work in the same way with this software as with EpiData Entry v3.1. Namely, in Manager create the duplicate project file using the "Prepare Double Entry" and then in EpiData Entry Client to open that duplicate project file and enter data, at which point any discrepancy between what is entered the second time compared to that entered first time should result in a message window listing possible actions the data enterer can undertake. First, I note that in Epidata Manager, no menu appears to select the ID field on which to compare the two files, so that data therefore needs to be entered in the same order in the duplicate file as was done in the original file (which seems to me to be a limitation). Second, upon opening the duplicate file in EpiData Entry Client, there is no message confirming that comparison is being made between the original and the duplicate and indeed, regardless of what data is entered in the duplicate file, no message window appears when there is a discrepancy between that entered in the original and that entered in the duplicate file. I feel like I must be missing something. Could somebody please enlighten.
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