Dear Kristine:
How about making use of EpiData Analysis to append files with the same structure:
close erase "allcombined.chk" erase "allcombined.rec"
copyfile "a.chk" "allcombined.chk"
read "a.rec" append "b.rec" append "c.rec" append "d.rec" append "e.rec" .... savedata "allcombined.rec" close read "allcombined.rec"
epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Epi-Data users:
What strategies have you used to get around the limitation of only being able to input the data on one computer? We are thinking of splitting the file into two - with Type A respondents in one file/on one computer and Type B respondents in another file/on a different computer and then combining the resulting datasets in Stata. Will this work? Are there other/better strategies?
Thanks, Kristine Hopkins khopkins@prc.utexas.edu