Dear All, I have a relational database comprising of 8 data entry forms.
The structure is as follow;
FFNO FAMIDNUM CARD Family --------------- Ecouple ----------------------- Under5 ------ Growth Monitoring form | | | | | FFNO | CSNO | | | | Agesex Form Contraception
The field names in capital are unique key fields for relating the form during data entry. When I relate Growth Monitoring form Under5 form, the relating happens. When I relate Under5 Form with Ecouple the following message is displayed.
Loading data D:\EpiData\Try\Gm.rec, please wait.. Excluded: 1243184 records marked for deletion File name : D:\EpiData\Try\Gm.rec Growth Monitoring Register Fields: 9 Total records: 6 Included: 6 . relate card UNDER5 Loading data D:\EpiData\Try\UNDER5.REC, please wait.. Excluded: 1243148 records marked for deletion File name : D:\EpiData\Try\UNDER5.REC . relate FAMIDNUM Ecouple Loading data D:\EpiData\Try\Ecouple.REC, please wait.. Excluded: 1243148 records marked for deletion 1 4218388
The relation happens only up to 2 forms only. What is meant by the error message 1 4218388
Is there any way out. I am doing it through EPI6 at present which does it seamlessly. Do we still have development issue regarding RELATE command in the Epidata Analysis (Ver 2 Build 112b). I am attaching this sample database in the form of CHC ZIP. Please enlighten upon this problem.
Dr. Shavinder