Thanks for this Jens.
I think that after 7, below, I would be happy teaching others to use Manager & Client. For outbreak management, that should be sufficient. I assume that relate functionality will come later (as a many to one relation between a section and the main section?)
Whether stable or not, I'll certainly introduce people to them so that they are prepared to make the jump.
On 2010-10-26, Jens wrote:
- Solve known deficiences (from
Flyspray and list) - e.g. idnum fields
- Printing of dataforms in
--- test release
- Enhancements for production of fast
datasets, e.g. copy from question banks
- Further developments, e.g.
GCP (Good Clinical Practice Principles).
Please discuss on this list at what level of function You find first release should be made - provided obviously at that level the function as such is stable. My current decision is after point 8.
It would also be good to get statements during the coming months of which decisions you make locally on the conversion to the new principles - e.g. you are ready to use it at that moment, or you find the current EpiData Entry better for your purpose, or you decided to start using other software and the reasons for that.