¡Thanks! That's great.
El 08/05/18 a las 12:30, EpiData development and support escribió:
For all EpiData Users.
Today we have taken a major step forward with the release of a rewritten EpiData Analysis in version 1.0 and version 4.4 of Manager and EntryClient. The ability to use relational structures, encryption, user logging and other complex aspects has been implemented.
We do hope that users will find this an important step forward. It will not be long before further functionality is available in Analysis. In the test versions we have already a functional aggregate, and tables is next step.
Get the new versions for Linux, Mac and Windows from: www.epidata.dk/download.php
Read the introduction documents for each software from the help menu after you start the software.
As always when versions of software change be particularly critical to ensure backup copies of all data in a secure place before updating.
Analysis is ready as v1.0 in terms of:
- read project files (epx/epz including encrypted files),
but also Stata dta, CSV, Rec+Chk files)
- data management
- combine files (merge, append)
- saving, exporting and archiving data files
(epx, dta, csv, ddi-3.1) including metadata
- frequencies, count, means
- validation of files and other aspects
For Windows there is a combined installer for all three types of software - regardless of whether you have a 32 or 64 bit computer.
All three EpiData software tools use an updated data file structure. Once you have read and saved an epx file it will not be possible to open it in a previous version of the software. So make sure to update all copies of the software that you are using, e.g. if you have local data entry.
All example files are now located in a specific user specified folder, which you may choose during installation. In that folder example pgm files for analysis and pdf introduction documents are contained.
Observation: on some restricted systems (eg. in a hospital) the user might not be asked to decide the folder position during installation or other user specifications. We cannot apparently control the installation completely.
As always discuss function on this list and contact us in case of serious or reproducible data errors occurring due to system functioning on info (at) epidata.dk
We wish to express as well thanks for inspiration and help from in particular Jamie Hockin and Hans Rieder, but also received funding from The Union (DFID fund) and other funding bodies.
Torsten B. Christensen and Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark
EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list