We do NOT recommend that users continue with old versions of EntryClient, Manager og Analysis.
During development the following occurs:
a. We fix bugs which have been identified. b. Functionality is added according to the development plan c. Sometimes fixing a bug or adding new functionality extends the structure of the project epx files. The new version will read ALL old version and update the project. But old versions cannot read the updated project file.
In experimental and development versions found on the test page we might experiment with new structure of the project files. THEREFORE NEVER use your production files with test versions. !
Since bugs are resolved in new versions always specify precisely which version and which operating system (windows, linux, mac) your are using when errors occur. Therefore the help menu has a function "copy version info", which may then easily be added to a mail to this list.
EpiData Manager: (2019/01/30 - 11:30:31) Program Version: r1493 Core version: r1490 FPC Version: 3.0.0 Platform: x86_64-Linux
In the help menu "Check Version Online" will compare and report against current public and experimental versions if you have internet access.
An issue may arise if a workplace (e.g. a hospital) does not allow the users to add new versions. For instance there was a report that one health region only updates software once every six months.
On your own responsibility you may then get the old version again (which some users wished for home use), by manually entering in a browser the complete file name with the old version numbers.
e.g. to get version of Manager for Mac you would like to get this file: setup.epidatamanager. You add that name to the archive folder name: www.epidata.dk/downloads/OldFiles/ and specify it with an http:// in front.
But a much better option is to always work with the latest version. A resolved bug could for instance solving a "save data problem".
All web pages for the EpiData project will be replaced when time permits this. Once that is done we will have a policy of access to older versions.
best wishes
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association