Dear List,
I have been using Epidata Entry 3.1 on my Windows Vista PC (from 2009). However, I have now switched to a MacBook Pro, on which I have installed Parallels Desktop 8 in order to run Windows and Epidata on the MacBook. However, I am unsure which Windows version to buy for this - should I use Vista or Windows 7?
According to the info on Epidata Entry 3.1, I should not even be able to run Epidata Entry 3.1 on Vista. However, I have done this without problems even though the Danish introduction to Epidata (written 2008) states that the program is developed for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 (32 bit).
So: Can I expect Epidata Entry 3.1 to run on Windows 7? Or should I buy Vista or something even older?
S. Andersen, m.d., ph.d.-student
Stine Brøndum Andersen
Læge, ph.d. studerende
Holbæk Sygehus
Smedelundsgade 60
4300 Holbæk
Den 03/04/2013 kl. 19.17 skrev ""
> Jamie, thank you VERY much!
> Well, I'll try first to export from SPSS. If I have problems, I'll try by
> STATA...
> This is my first time with EpiData, and everything is new.
> Thanks again,
> Best,
> Carlos.
> 2013/4/3
>> The simplest way to get your data into EpiData is to export it from SPSS
>> to stata (file type .dta), although this may or may not work with your
>> version of SPSS
>> You can import stata files directly into either classic EpiData or the new
>> EpiData Manager. If you import to Manager, you will likely have to check
>> each variable to be sure the format is what you want (e.g. number of
>> decimals). You can check this easily using the codebook function in classic
>> epidata or one of the reports in Manager.
>> Then fix the fields you need to. Note that in Manager, you can select a
>> group of similar fields to change the size of field (e.g. decimals or
>> string length). If SPSS exports value labels, these should come into
>> Manager OK.
>> a caveat - I have never tried the SPSS to Stata part; I have done Stata to
>> EpiData.
>> The more complex, but guaranteed to get your data in exactly as you want
>> is to export SPSS to tab-delimited. You then have to create your own
>> epidata database and use import the data. This can get really messy as
>> Epidata expects the data to conform EXACTLY to your specifications. I have
>> had a lot of grief trying to get things to match.
>> You can also import that tab-delimited data into Excel (there are lots of
>> web sites that explain how to do this). Then format each column in Excel to
>> match what you want (e.g. number of decimal places). Make sure the last
>> column has no missing values. I suggest adding a field called XEND with the
>> number one in each cell.
>> Make sure the first row has legal Epidata variable names.
>> Select the entire table, copy the data.
>> Then start up Epidata Analysis and give these commands:
>> read /cb
>> save mydata
>> You have just created mydata.rec with all of your data. In fact, if you
>> can select and copy all of your data in SPSS along with the variable names,
>> there is no need for Excel. However, I think you may only be able to copy
>> the data. You need the first line to be variable names for this to work. I
>> have done this a lot (to get from Excel data to SPSS and it work well as
>> long as the data are clean. Analysis expects all of your variables to be
>> consistent and not have special characters (quotes, commas) embedded in
>> text fields.
>> Good luck!
>> Jamie
>> On 2013-04-03, at 9:42 AM, wrote:
>>> My SPSS databank is composed of 703 columns, where the first 200 are
>>> baseline, and the other the follow-up. Each line is a case.
>>> Every time I want to input data, I open the databank, search for the case
>>> number and for the situation (e.g. 3rd month). After this, I fill in with
>>> the data.
>>> My baseline variables are different from the follow-up.
>>> At follow-up, variables are the same, exept the variable identification:
>>> height1m and weight1m ---> height3m and weight3m.
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