Dear EpiData users, How to make a Boxplot when I have one
quantitative variable and two qualitatives variablesThanks
Two strategies:
say you have: age and wish to look at this by sex and social class
Variables: age sex rank
strategy one:
box age /by=sex /Ti="Age among those with low social class" if rank = 1 box age /by=sex /Ti="Age among those with high social class" if rank = 2
strategy two:
gen i level = 0 if (sex = 1) and (rank = 1) then level = 1 if (sex = 1) and (rank = 2) then level = 2 if (sex = 2) and (rank = 1) then level = 3 if (sex = 2) and (rank = 2) then level = 4 labelvalue level /O="Missing information" /1="Male low" /2="Male High" /3="Female Low" /4="Female High"
box age /by=level /ti="Boxplot of age by sex and social class" box age /by=level /ti="Boxplot of age by sex and social class" if level > 0
Jens Lauritsen
EpiData Association