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Hi all
I have a project where I compare results of statistical analysis of free to use, easy to use (menu driven) statistical analysis programs.
Free To Use Statistical Software: Comparing Statistical Analyseshttps://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4105959
I did comparison of a little results from EpiData, comparing frequency and means to results from SAS.
I'm happy to say EpiData results and SAS results are the same.
I usually also compare results from correlation and regression. The help file in the downloaded program says regression is, at present, only in Analysis classic? The commands.htm file on the epidata website also lists correlation. I'm not clear if correlation is available in the all in one install? I can't seem to get a correlate command to run.
correlate :=PctBelowPov =BirthRate =Services results in ERROR: Identifier "correlate" not found!