On 2011-11-09 08:42, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Hi, A response to Réjean, I did not experience your "out of memory" problem, but I had the "Unable to open the file. An unknown error occured" one several times (because of ranges in DMY date fields, see my message on the list). In this case, you can edit the epx file in wordpad or notpad, and delete the wrong lines, supposing you can identify then (possibly lines concerning value labels in your case).
Just a small note. I strongly recommend not to edit the .epx file in Notepad or Wordpad but use some other program.
This is because the builtin editors of Windows (especially Notepad) does not handle the special lineending markers very well and the UTF-8 encoding could also pose a problem. Editing with these program could cause futher problems.
Instead I would recommend using other free opensource editors. A small list of free and proprietary editor can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_editors. Also a simple but effective editor is notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
Kind regards, Torsten Bonde Christiansen. EpiData Association.