Hi; Simplest thing to do is to go through a common format which is Dbase (DBF). Just save yout excel file on Dbase IV format. Don't pay attention to caution messages sent by microsoft, then import the DBF file from EpiData. Things to be aware of: - Mind the column names: <= 10 characters, - 1st character can't be a digit, - no empty column or line.
Gilles Delmas
-----Message d'origine----- De : epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca] Envoyé : mardi 24 avril 2007 10:48 À : epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Objet : [EpiData-list] Is there any way to import from Excel to EpiData?
Hello everyone. I understand from the user manuals that data can be imported from text, dbase, and STATA. Has anyone figured out a way to import an Excel database, even though technically it is not an option?
Thank you
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