My own test of a large data set (part of CDC's BRFSS data for one year), using the most recent alpha test: EpiData Entry Client Program Version: r292 Core version: 1.5 r767 FPC Version: 2.6.2 Platform: i386-Darwin Filename: /Data/BRFSS/brfss.epx XML Version: 3 Field count: 60 Record count: 2509
Export to SPSS: all fields are exported in the appropriate fashion, except for: 1) the final field in the .txt file is missing the last character/digit. 2) the SPSS record description in the .sps file changes a 10-character string to a 30-character string. Every field from that one forward is incorrect. This field starts in column 92. The record descriptor should be: ... vegedayx 89-91 xpsu 92-101(A) xststr 102-106 ... but is ... vegedayx 89-91 xpsu 92-121(A) xststr 122-126 ...
I haven't explored enough to know how consistent this is.
So you might be able to fix the import just by editing the .sps file to match the field positions to the correct columns in the .txt file
On 2013-09-13, at 5:39 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Dear All Stuck with exporting issues with epidata manager to SPSS Can anyone give me some advice-many data are merged in the same column in the SPSS file Thanks
Dr Thambu David S