I have placed build 18 v0.9 of analysis on www.epidata.dk/testing.php earlier today.
Many things have been changed since build 17. (Complete list on: http://www.epidata.dk/analysisinfo/docs/versioninfo.htm)
Among these handling of OR and RR in tables. 2x2 tables are now "inverted" to make disease and exposed top left corner. Percentages are in different cells in tables than the numbers. Thereby allowing to add e.g. () around percentages APPEND command to read more than one file into memory.
In particular it is important to secure that a- the tables produced by stratification are correct b- estimates based on stratified tables are correct. c- tables are formed correctly (counts and percentages) with and without option specifications. An example of set is: set table percents="P1()" *will make output like this: tab kmgrp decgrp KMGRP 2.5-3.4 % 3.5-3.7 % Total % 0- 25 km 120 (15.3) 156 (18.9) 596 (18.7) ..... but set table percents="P1[ %]" set table percents header="[Pct %]" *will for the same command give: tab kmgrp decgrp KMGRP 2.5-3.4 [Pct %] 3.5-3.7 [Pct %] Total [Pct %] 0- 25 km 120 [15.29 %] 156 [18.9 %] 596 [18.66 %] similarly set table or=off set table rr=off controls whether odds ratios and rate ratios are shown or not. To show change off to on. The testsuite used for validation is not fully completed. You can see how much was tested by running the command runtest validate which will run all pgm files in the subfolder validate and make a report at the end.
regards jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Odense Denmark.