In the help file users can find information on this: color data black yellow aqua color background white
But not further information on how to use these check file commands. One example is: BEFORE FILE color data black yellow aqua color background white end
Which will give yellow fields and aqua current entry fields. The background will be white and the colour of texts black.
Backup as check file command The backup command documentation is incorrect in the help file. The help file says: AFTER FILE BACKUP F:\backup\distinationdirectory ZIP myzipfile.zip [DATE] END
This should be: (to create a zip file with the date appended to the zip file name) AFTER FILE BACKUP F:\backup\distinationdirectory ZIP myzipfile [DATE] END
It is always good practice to search the help file for a given word and if the examples are insufficient - then suggest to the list how it could be formulated. If users are not using the help system and this is due to faulty help system, then criticise the help system. But sometimes it appears that questions are asked without the user spending time on: 1. Looking in the help system 2. Searching old messages in the epidata-list on the topic 3. Looking in the further documentation supplied at the web page. http://www.epidata.dk/documentation.php
We are now experimenting with solutions to translate analysis and create focused help. Users knowing of funding resources for translation please contact me at: info"at"epidata.dk (replace "at" with @)
Best Regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association