The following bug-fixes has been made and new versions uploaded today. EpiData Manager Program Version: EpiData Entry Client Program Version:
Both: * Fixed bug where File assocation under Windows did not work.
Manager: * ProjectFrame splitter wasn't changed on Restore Default. * Prepare-double-entry new name was not added to recent. * Using Ctrl+N when creating Value labels would cause Access Violation on Windows. * Certain actions for relational dataforms in relation to flow from one to the other * Export: Simplifying naming for exported files. Notice that this includes as well cycle number (automatic version number) and dataform name. The latter excluded with only one dataform in a project. * Data Content validation: did not always work.
Known existing bugs at this point: Id variable(-s) in Data Content Validation are not listed (Will be fixed and new update uploaded without further notice).
EntryClient: Fixed bugs: * Jumping btw. dataforms according to relate information did not work properly * Sometimes incorrect record number was used to calculate Master-Detail key-field value. Hence displayed records data could be incorrect. * If no legal values are left in the value label list after the filter, a caption message will be given. * Added Restore Default to preferences. * MAC Os X only: moved "Preferences" and "About" menu item to standard Mac OS positions.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association