About a month ago users experienced unexpected problems with the most recently uploaded public version. The problems were basically very grave and would not allow various aspects of core functionality, e.g. working with value labels.
Due to the documented problems we have now implemented a new test principle for EpiData Manager and EntryClient, which will be followed before public release. The tests are structured in a spreadsheet format and performed by local staff here in Denmark (public health students).
Based on the tests performed we have found un-disclosed errors, which is a "proof of concept" of the idea to pre-test thoroughly before public release. In contrast to relying on unstructured testing.
Early next week we will therefore release new versions for production use and also the spreadsheet, which documents what we do test before release.
For coming releases I therefore suggest that users assist in the testing. You may then receive pre-release copies of the software, such that the overall testing can be thorough. Recent experience has shown that some combinations of operating system versions and types (32/64bit) etc have given problems that we have no possibility of neither catching or solving without the help of some of you.
In short therefore: be prepared to download new production versions of EntryClient and Manager next week.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association