Hello EpiData friends,
Im involved in a reliability study. I planned to collect two blood samples at same time to measure the very same biomarker from the same patient. I would like to measure the variability of this biomarker when the lab responsible does not know what sample comes from what patient.
Thus I have a (patient) ID and two samples ids.
My control/recruiting qes would look like
patientid Unique identifier ##### sample1 ### sample2 ###
My results qes would look like
sampleid Sample identifier ### sampres Sample result #######
Later, I intend to connect these two files.
I generated random numbers that would be stick as blood sample stamps from 1 to 500. Thus, when a patient collects a pair of blood sample these numbered stamps are stick on the container, before they get to the lab.
My problem is that, for the patient to be blind to the lab professionals, each patient should have two different sample number. Im concerned that the professional that enroll the patient might give the samples a correct pair of stamps to the blood samples but mistype this pair in the enrollment control data.
FOr example:
random numbers 1 106 303 2 236 168 3 302 228 4 107 197
I made a rec file with these pairs of stamps numbers like this
sample1 #### sample2 ####
If the enrollment professional recruits a patient with medical chart 19992 and gives him/her the third pair of stamps, this means that he should type 302 in the sample1 variable. I would like EpiData to fill or to check if the sample2 for this patients is 228. If not a warning should come to check these numbers. I did try using the chk command as
sample1 comment legal use recfile.rec type comment sample2 end
sample2 legal 303 168 228 197 ... end end
It looks it works nicely. But I reckon if there is any more elegant way to do it. Is there?
Kind regards . Abraço forte e que a força esteja com você,
Dr. Pedro Emmanuel A. A. do Brasil Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro - Brasil Av. Brasil 4365 Tel 55 21 3865-9648 email: pedro.brasil@ipec.fiocruz.br email: emmanuel.brasil@gmail.com
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