Dear Kerry:
If the variable names of the two dates are DATEBEGIN and DATEEND, then possible the simplest way to create an interval in days is a single line:
gen i interval=DATEEND-DATEBEGIN
Using your approach, it is two lines:
define interval #### interval=DATEEND-DATEBEGIN
If you want the interval in years with decimal points:
gen f interval=(DATEEND-DATEBEGIN)/365.25
The "gen" command is powerful: Enter "gen" (without the quotation marks) into the command line and press F1 and the help file tells you all about it.
On 31-May-12 04:00, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
I am a relatively new EpiData user and am now using EpiData Analysis.
In EpiData Analysis I would like to create a new variable which will be the number of days between two dates which I have collected in my EpiData dataset. I have started with "define" and the name of the new variable and the new variable will be a numeric variable of length 4. i.e:
define smeartoreg1 ####
However, I am having difficulty with the code for defining the number of days between two existing dates and would appreciate some advice on this. I think I am making a simple mistake that can easily be fixed.
Many thanks.
Kind regards, Kerri