There is a date (<DD/MM/YYYY>) field on my REC file; date entered here has to be before today.
Copy of the check block I wrote for it:
dquest AFTER ENTRY IF (DQUEST>TODAY) THEN HELP "Can't be after today!" TYPE=ERROR GOTO dquest CLEAR dquest ENDIF IF (DQUEST<DISOL) THEN HELP "Can't be before sampling date !" TYPE=ERROR GOTO dquest CLEAR dquest ENDIF END END
As a matter of fact, it works well, but error message each time an 'illegal value' is entered on the field: 'error in IF expression: cannot apply opLT to boolean operands'.
Only way not to see these error msgs each record: I unchecked the 'Show errors that occur in calculations in the check file during data entry'.
Someone has an idea? What did I make wrong?
Thanks Gilles