Regarding questions the latest days. It is advisable when people ask questions that some information is ALWAYS included: a. Is this epidata entry or epidata analysis b. Which version of the software are you using (number and country versions) c. What is the operating system you are using
A few suggestions for the specific problems: 1.
Sara gets :
"access violation at address 048AC23 in module “epideata.exe”. Read of address 000000000"
So this is a "fortunate" situation since it is reproducible. I suggest you put your chk and rec file into a zip archive (tools menu) and send to info @ epidata.dk
We will run your file in a controlled environment, since your combinations of questions etc. points to an error or bug in the epidata entry programme.
Gerson Zanetta de Lima have problems of a different nature. The problem is to get the software to "understand" that a simple calculation:
I can make operations like defining a new floating variable and using the command newvariable = height/2 or newvariable = height*height
But then trying to do the same with "define imc ##" does not work. This is due to the problem that EpiData Entry and Analysis are more strict in controlling variable conversions than e.g. Epi6. The problem is that:
weight/(height^2) or weight/(height*height)
results in a float resultat - meaning the content cannot end in an integer. What should the software do with the calculations ending in e.g. 32.14 or 31.89. So in this situation if you only want the integer part of the result (here 32 and 31 or rounded 32 in both cases) make an explicit conversion:
From help file of entry you find the function Integer(x), which converts x to an integer value. define imc ## imc = integer(weight/(height^2))
The same in analysis: example variable "Timer" which is float: TIMER Float X Integer 2 0 x = int(timer) Data type mismatch x = integer(timer)
Since the function int(timer) returns a float value, but integer(timer) returns an integer value.
Another example of this more careful value handling is when EpiData Analysis reads date variables. An illegal date will be rejected, e.g. "01/01/1", which would be accepted by Epi6.
....................................................... Regarding Henriettes installation problem: There is no need to try different language versions. The exe file is always the same.
I would do exactly this: 1. Install analysis on a different machine 2. Create a folder where you want analysis, e.g. c:\program files\epidata 3. Copy the epidatastat.exe to the "troublesome" machine in that folder. 4. Run the exe file (which will tell you that help files are missing).
After that you can copy the documentation from the subfolders on machine 1 to the folders on the troublesome machine.
regards Jens Lauritsen