To the Epidata mailing list.
I have 3 questions about comparison of fields in Epidata Manager v. 1.1.2.
1) I would like to type the ID-number for the person (from 001 to 600) both in the beginning (Var1 – Integer field with length 3) and in the end (Var20 – Integer field with length 3) of my data collection file to be sure, that I am looking at the same person through the collection. Under Extended – Comparison I cannot find “Value must be = than”. How can I do this?
2) I would like to compare a record number for all persons asked for inclusion (Var1 – Auto Increment field) with the ID-number for included persons (Var6 – Integer field with length 3), but I cannot find Var1 under Extended – Comparison. How can I do this?
3) I would like to check, that the registration number (ddmmyyxxxx) of a person not is used in any other record. Can I compare the registration number (Var3 – Integer field with length 10) with the same field for all other records?
Kind regards Trine Graabæk Hansen, Esbjerg, Denmark