Dear all,
I have a general question regarding the layout for the output of the TABLES command.
In version 2 (112) the default option for TABLES is sorted in ascending order. That means that when using boolean fields TABLES will display N,N in the top left cell of a 2 x 2 table, because internally NO=0 and Yes=1. (Jens, is that correct?)
When asking for RR (TABLES VAR1 VAR2 /RR) what we get is the RR of being N in the outcome if you are N in the exposure. Which is clearly the inverse of what we usually are looking for. But because most of the statistical/epidemiological software dispay the table in the other way (Y,Y on the top left cell) EpiData can misslead the users with its results. (obviously users should read the table, but...). And we have /SD as option to change that
My question is: Should EPiData follow the general rule of displaying YY in the too left cell?. (and therefore calculating the RR that usually we are interested in)
Jens has a point saying that if we change that when we are not interested in RR but only in the numbers and %, most of the program follow the rule of sorting the values in ascending order and that if we want to follow this rule we will need an EPITABLE command (in version 2 he is trying to get ride of innecesary commands). I think we alreday have the EPITABLE command, it is TABLES V1 V2 /RR
I would appreciate if can comment on that. Version 2 is almost ready, but i think this is an important issue.
Hope my explantion and question is clear.
Thanks a lot, Pedro Arias EpiData Spanish cotranslator