Thanks for the quick response to my email.
I would just like to clarify my suggestion re "excluded" and "deleted" records. The issue is not about whether one can control reading deleted records or not (as Jens' response implies). My point was that if one is not aware that records have been deleted, it would be more informative on reading the dataset in Analysis if the message specifically states that x records have been deleted (and are therefore excluded). Using the word "excluded" suggests that Analysis has a problem with some values and therefore has excluded the records. One could spend quite some time trying to identify the problem before realising that these are merely records that have been deleted.
On the point of deleted records, is there some way in Analysis of identifying records which had been deleted (but which one has chosen to include in the analysis). In EpiInfo, there was a system variable RECDELETED. Also, in browse/update mode, deleted records were identifiable by an asterisk. This was very useful in trying to sort out why records had been deleted.
Thanks again, Annemieke van Middelkoop