To any concern, I think that I have found a bug of epidata when I want to export the data from epidata to sas.
The content of .qes file: This is a example! The {first} text field: __________ The {second} text field: ________________________________________________________________________________ The {third} text field: ____________
The content of .sas file which is generated by epidata. * EpiData created two files by exporting * D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.rec * * 1. D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.sas * is the SAS command file * 2. D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.txt * is an ASCII text file containing the raw data. * * You may modify the command file before submitting them. ;
DATA bug(LABEL="a bug of epidata"); INFILE "D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.txt"; INPUT FIRST $ 1-10 / SECOND $ 1-80 THIRD $ 1-12;
LABEL first="The first text field:" second="The second text field:" third="The third text field:";
The conten of .txt file which is also generated by epidata: a
b c
d e
When I run the .sas file in sas, the log window showed that: NOTE: The infile "D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.txt" is: File Name=D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.txt, RECFM=V,LRECL=256
NOTE: LOST CARD. FIRST=f SECOND= THIRD= _ERROR_=1 _N_=4 NOTE: 9 records were read from the infile "D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.txt". The minimum record length was 10. The maximum record length was 80. NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line. NOTE: The data set WORK.BUG has 3 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.18 seconds cpu time 0.07 seconds
I can get the dataset 'bug' in work library. But it is not what I want.
Now I can resolve the problem. I need modify the .sas file. The file which is modifed is listed below: * EpiData created two files by exporting * D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.rec * * 1. D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.sas * is the SAS command file * 2. D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.txt * is an ASCII text file containing the raw data. * * You may modify the command file before submitting them. ;
DATA bug(LABEL="a bug of epidata"); INFILE "D:\statistics\temp\epidata bug\bug.txt"; INPUT FIRST $ 1-10 / SECOND $ 1-80 / THIRD $ 1-12;
LABEL first="The first text field:" second="The second text field:" third="The third text field:";
The 'second' field caused the trouble. The 'second' field's width is 80.
I hope someone can fix it.
All the files is attached. You can have a try.