Dear users,
I have installed EpiData Manager on a machine working on Windows 8.1 64 bit. I used the latest versions available: r1156
1. At first I used the 64 bit version but could not open or save projects: this led to the program shutting down. In the archives I saw other users experienced similar problems. 2. I then uninstalled the above and installed the 32 bit version (Platform i386-Win32). This version seemed to be working well, until I tried to set value labels: when I do this, either by using the "Field properties" box or by trying to access through "Project Details" >> "Value labels", the program shuts down. I am just able to see that some error notice appears but the program shuts down so fast I cannot read it.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
Michaelנשלח ממכשיר הסמסונג שלי