For all list users.
We have released next versions of EpiData Manager and Entryclient:
Major news: 1 Saving data is now per observation. The principle of writing data was changed completely. From this version onwards all changes to single observations (records) are saved after the user responds "Yes" to the question of saving of that observation on a given dataform. All saving to disk is performed in the background, such that entry can continue. But all data are still in memory, such that speed of browsing etc should be the same.
A visual feedback button indicates current state: green = current state is saved correctly yellow = save in progress red = error in save. The user most intervene if this persists. The "red state" could occur if you loose connection to a network drive, e.g. due to time-out failure. In such cases the user can save a copy of the project with EntryClient ("save as" in the file menu). It is the responsibility of the user to secure proper handling afterwards, e.g. decide with a manager what should happen. To find out which project file is optimal for continued entry the "count observations/records by id" function in Manager - documentation, is a good way to get an overview. 2 Status bar have new common items. Make sure to get a new "default status bar" to see this. (default preferences)
3 Valuelabels are now possible for Date and Time variables.
4 A number of bugs have been fixed in relational data and other special situations.
5 Implementation of logging: extended access The content of the logfile system is now a standard dataform within the project. If a user have administrative rights the log file content can be seen in Manager, for all other users it is hidden. This allows analysis and export of the data in a logfile. All writing to the logfile is performed in the background, such that it does not interfere with ongoing entry. The logging function allows assessment of which users had access to data, at what time and see before/after values if an observation was edited after first save.
For details, see the specific texts: Manager:http://epidata.dk/epidatamanager.changelog.txt EntryClient:http://epidata.dk/epidataentryclient.changelog.txt Common functions:http://epidata.dk/epidatacore.changelog.txt
Unfortunately we have discovered a few bugs after the first ( elease, so please make sure to download and install again if you have downloaded the new version before the 21st of June.
Please verify that your changes to data are actually saved, We have obviously tested the new "save each observation" principle "in-house", but there could be examples in which this is not working correctly. Do not hesitate to report problems to this list or < info at epidata.dk >
Development continues with re-writing analysis for complete data-management features. The new analysis can read the logfiles created with extended access. Expected to be available for all users in open testing within a few weeks. After that we will continue with implementation in EntryClient of extended scripting during entry.
Please consider adding funding to cover development - e.g. at the level of what alternative software acquisitions would have cost. The funding principle continues as "attain funding-release without fee-release as open-source when we have completed development". Always acknowledge those giving funding (see http://www.epidata.dk/credit.htm and http://www.epidata.dk/funding.htm)
We need help in creation of sample cases that could be used as part of the quality assurance programme. Currently the testing is thorough for Manager and Analysis, but still not sufficient for EntryClient.
best wishes
Jens Lauritsen & Torsten Christiansen EpiData Association Denmark