Thank you Gilles,
Seems so clear I'm (almost) embarrassed - why ever did I get the idea that I *couldn't* make a QES file from a REC file!? Silly me.
Thanks again, Charity
On 1/11/07, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
It is possible to post generate a QES file from a REC: 'TOOLS' / 'QES file from REC file' Gilles ______________________________________________
Only one small problem - the values which were integers seem to now have 4 decimal places, which without a QES file to revise from I don't think I can correct? It also means that the format does not match the value labels (integers) which causes errors. Perhaps I am importing into the wrong version of STATA... Still, a big step from where I was!