Dear users,
I am just about to get familiar with EpiData Manager and have a question regarding the variable Double Entry Verification Status that is optionally added after performing Duplicate Files Validation. First of all: Thank you to the developers what a great option to add this result field.
As it has already been described before, The values for the created variable are: 0 = Validated 1 = Record does not exist in duplicate file 2 = Failed due to different text 3 = Failed due to different values 4 = Duplicate key exists
If have performed some fake validation and all errors have been detected correctly. However: The erroneous record had only the value 0 in the result field. I would have expected it to be 3 since it contained errors in some of the numeric fields. Did I understand something wrong with that or did I make any mistake by using this option? Why did all my records have the value 0 even if some of them failed validation?
Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!
Best regards, Malgorzata Schlöffel