Hi there,
As I am not sure what information you have in your hands, I assume you could add check before the data entry and chose the *repeat* option for the required field information. Consequently, the information will remain until you changed it.
Best wishes
On 16 February 2010 18:00, epidata-list-request@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
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Today's Topics:
- RE: Copy and Paste an Entry? (epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca)
- Re: Copy and Paste an Entry? (epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca)
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 18:51:52 +0100 From: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: RE: [EpiData-list] Copy and Paste an Entry? To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Message-ID: <00bf01caae67$8ee97710$acbc6530$@martin-prevel@ird.fr> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I think the best way to get round this problem is to have a relational data base with two files: (i) the "Master" file with patient's information (ii) the related file with daily information
There are several examples of such related data entry and how it works on the Epidata website
Hope this helps
-----Message d'origine----- De : epidata-list-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto: epidata-list-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca] De la part de epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Envoyé : lundi 15 février 2010 17:38 À : epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Objet : [EpiData-list] Copy and Paste an Entry?
Hello. I was wondering if it is possible to copy and paste an entry? I am entering data for patients at a hospital by day, and each time I enter a new day's entry I have to re-type the patients' information. Is there a way to copy a previous entry for a patient and paste it on the new entry? Please help me as this adds a large amount of time to my work.
Thank you, YC _______________________________________________ EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
Message: 2 Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 13:22:33 -0500 From: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: Re: [EpiData-list] Copy and Paste an Entry? To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Message-ID: BLU0-SMTP79433833F8433A3AF41361FD4A0@phx.gbl Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
See the example titled "Relate example - Clinical Study with four forms" on the Examples page - click on the link on the main page at epidata.dk This is how to structure the related files. See the example titled "Relate example - Household, Person, Visit" to see how to copy information from one entry screen to another--you do this with GLOBAL variables.
This is a very common set up for clinical records.
Jamie Hockin Ottawa
On 2010-02-15, at 11:40 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Hello. I was wondering if it is possible to copy and paste an entry? I am entering data for patients at a hospital by day, and each time I enter a new day's entry I have to re-type the patients' information. Is there a
to copy a previous entry for a patient and paste it on the new entry? Please help me as this adds a large amount of time to my work.
Thank you, YC _______________________________________________ EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 76, Issue 3