Even in using dataentry for many applications, I never had this problem before: the new database has a "base.rec" with basic informations about a unit and connected with "relate" a file with 25 lines, all similar (only the var names changes) describing actions through a code . The line consists of date, actions and a small comment-field. The actions are numeric and the label appears when typed with the "type" command. One unit can have more than one of this actions sheet; when a sheet is full the user starts a new one. Till here there is no problem. ---- action file ---- id ____ jenr aujourd'hui <Today-dmy> jcd01 <dd/mm/yyyy> jca01 ## jcm01 ________________ jcd02 <dd/mm/yyyy> jca02 ## jcm02 ________________ jcd03 <dd/mm/yyyy> jca03 ## jcm03 ________________ ------ The problem appears only - what happens daily - when the user has to add one or two "action-codes" for one unit, than has to change to another unit and add new actions for another unit and of course on an other actions-sheet. At that moment the action labels from the first sheet appears also on your screen and theses comments are usually wrong. So I want to add a "clear comment legal all" command in the before record block of the corresponding chk-file but that is not possible. Is there another method to get to the same result ? regards