Dear all
The following changes have implemented in the Manager version, which replaces ALL previous versions: * Fixed bug where rightclicking the designer, while editing a dataform caption would CAUSE a program crash. * Removed SAS Export as announced earlier (SPSS/PSPP is still there) * Visual change: All must-enter fields are now painted red, as in EntryClient.
All changes with version can be seen here: http://epidata.dk/epidatamanager.changelog.txt
For those who experienced problems with running 64bit versions on Windows and changed to Windows 32bit, please try the new replaced version.
Please acknowledge the hard work done to accomplish this when possible. The planning and design is done by T.Christiansen and I in collaboration. We discuss with key users and I have secured funding from those mentioned on the funding page of the web - more on this aspect later. All specific internal design of the software routines and implementation of principles in the programming is done by T.Christiansen.
Warm regards
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark