Dear all
Today updated test versions of manager and EntryClient have been placed on the website. http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
More news tomorrow on all changes. Basically the current exe files are what we would like to see as the next public release, so it is important that you challenge these and report to the list.
The request by Pedro Emmanuel has been met in the test version for EntryClient. Press Ctrl+shift+C and you would see something like (using the sample file):
Integer Field (8 digits) (I1) 42 Float Field (4.4 digits) (F1) 42.0000 .....extracted .....
or you could see this in a different record: I1,8448,F1,84.4800,I2,250,VL1,99,A missing.......extracted .......
Depending on how you define the format for the copy to clipboard. The format is defined in the setting of the EntryClient and explained here: http://epidata.info/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=documentation:clipboardformat
Please test this functionality and other adaptations. The plan is to work on the installation principles and to release a new test version, when the installation routines are settled in a simplified manner.
Jens Lauritsen and Torsten Christiansen EpiData Association