It is possible to post generate a QES file from a REC: 'TOOLS' / 'QES file from REC file' Gilles ______________________________________________ Gilles DELMAS Institut de Veille Sanitaire Dept. Maladies Infectieuses, Unité infections entériques, alimentaires et zoonoses 12 rue du Val d'Osne 94415 Saint-Maurice cedex - France + 33 1 41 79 67 27 g.delmas@invs.sante.fr ______________________________________________
-----Message d'origine----- De : epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca] Envoyé : mercredi 10 janvier 2007 02:00 À : Epidata List Objet : [EpiData-list] Re: Importing other file formats (eg SPSS) to createREC, CHK and QES files
Hmm... I may have just found a round-about way of doing this for SPSS - as usual I only find a solution after asking about it!
I just realised that I can save my SPSS file as a STATA file (I was looking for an SPSS export capability when all I needed was "Save As"), and then import the STATA file into EpiData. This doesn't give me a QES file (I think generating a QES file from a REC file is something currently being worked on?) but does give me a CHK file with value labels and a REC file with variable labels and data.
Only one small problem - the values which were integers seem to now have 4 decimal places, which without a QES file to revise from I don't think I can correct? It also means that the format does not match the value labels (integers) which causes errors. Perhaps I am importing into the wrong version of STATA... Still, a big step from where I was!
Thanks, Charity
On 1/10/07, Charity wrote:
I know that EpiData has the ability to output data in SPSS format (a TXT file and an SPS file which can be run to create a SAV file) - is it possible to reverse this process and either use a SAV file or a SPS/TXT combination to create REC and CHK files (and ideally even the QES file to go with them)?
I'm also interested if I could generate REC/CHK files from other file formats, such as Triple-S (and output to this too) - what options are there currently for doing this. If nothing, are any being worked on or considered for implementation in future versions? I would be interested in helping with developing these things if that is possible or would help also.
Thanks, Charity