Excuses, I managed to send the former mail too early:
The EntryClient should be version: Program Version: r292 But there are as well versions for Linux, Mac and Windows.
Please experiment with these new principles and report.
The release of the experimental script version and the former announced public version release: 1.4.2 also indicates a break in development from now until beginning of September 2013.
But please keep discussing and asking questions on this list as they will be collected and handled - if serious also fixed before September.
The script language is explained here:
Wiki: http://epidata.info/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=techdocs:scripting:start
A few aspects are still not on the wiki, but will come within some days, e.g. the function now() returns the time at the point of invoking the function. Could be used e.g. to record the starting time of entering data into a new record. Other functions are also on the way such as IsNewRecord() - which will test if the current record has been saved. But please note that this in the experimental section, such that for specific names of functions always look in the wiki if a given function does not work or is not found.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association