Thanks a lot for these solutions.
In fact, i found a solution this morning : I used the EXPORT.exe from an old version of Epi-Info with the EXECUTE command in epidata. It seems to work very well.
By the way, i'd like to know if it is possible to use the BACKUP command twice ( in order to copy all .rec in a different repertory, that is used to export and also make an archive each time I ( or the doctor in charge with this ) enter data.)
Thanks again
Externe au Centre de Recherche Clinique CHU d'Angers
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Today's Topics:
- Export code in a .chk file (epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca)
- RE: Export code in a .chk file (epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca)
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 23:46:06 +0100 From: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: [EpiData-list] Export code in a .chk file To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Message-ID: 43E7D1AE.6050003@epidata.dk Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I'm searching how i could export data to spss using code in a check
file.The form is made out of 5 differents .rec, related by a KEY variable.
The easiest would be to export the files via the EpiC batch processor, which you get from the Epidata.dk web site on the download page. Include this in an "after file" block, which should work. Alternatively if you system still blocks the file create a cmd or bat file containing the epic commands, something like (experiment a bit):
EpiC export spss file1 * replace EpiC export spss file2 * replace EpiC export spss file3 * replace EpiC export spss file4 * replace EpiC export spss file5 * replace
Now you have your five spss syntax files that you ran in SPSS.
Other examples are: EpiC e stata allaes * Exports allaes.rec in the same directory as epic.exe to a new Stata file with the filename allaes.dta. All records in allaes.rec are exported.
EpiC e xls allaes * filter="ID=276" Exports allaes.rec to allaes.xls. Only records where the field ID equals the value 276 are exported.
EpiC e SPSS allaes * filter="AESRATER='TP'" Exports allaes.rec to allaes.dbf. Only records where AESRATER equals 'TP' are exported.
EpiC e epd allaes "c:\new\newallaes.rec" fromrec=100 torec=199 WITHDELS REPLACE Exports allaes.rec to a new epidata datafile called c:\new\newallaes.rec. Only records #100-#199 are exported. Include marked for deletion and replace the datafile.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
ps. The ability to pay contributions with credit-card to EpIData Association will be closed within a few weeks. The early contributions only barely exceeds the costs for running that service. Future donations (after the closure) will have to be made with bank-bank transfer.
Message: 2 Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 09:38:58 +0100 From: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: RE: [EpiData-list] Export code in a .chk file To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Message-ID: A7EAEBFDDEDEF440A7BDD772C73046A2050C9C56@xch-vac.ivs.local Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi Jerome; You should use EPIC command processor (http://www.epidata.dk/download.php#epic), in association with Winglue (or executed from a good old .BAT file). Epic can handle data export to numerous formats -including SPSS. Directions for use and syntax examples are provided.
Best regards; ______________________________________________ Gilles DELMAS Institut de Veille Sanitaire Dept. Maladies Infectieuses, Unité infections entériques, alimentaires et zoonoses 12 rue du Val d'Osne 94415 Saint-Maurice cedex - France + 33 1 41 79 67 27 g.delmas@invs.sante.fr ______________________________________________
-----Message d'origine----- De : epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca] Envoyé : lundi 6 février 2006 10:52 À : epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Objet : [EpiData-list] Export code in a .chk file
I'm searching how i could export data to spss using code in a check file. The form is made out of 5 differents .rec, related by a KEY variable. But it's supposed to be used by someone who doesn't have a strong experience with computers. Is there a way to export these 5 files automaticly, and get the 5 .txt for spss export updated each record ?
EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 28, Issue 3