Two aspects needs clarification and further exploration : 1 Chi Square values in stratified analysis of 2x2 tables 2 Saving datafiles with "Epi6 naming convention". Only "First Word" works completely.
After finding the cause for the CHI Square problems and final testing of MERGE command it is my intention to release current test build as first v2.0 of EpiData Analysis.
Among the latest changes are implementation of a MERGE command, which replaces relate in analysis and removal of more or less all reported major problems on the Mantis system. Some wishes are still there, but will be looked at later.
The MERGE command is a replacement for relate. An example: read patients rename name to ptname merge surgeon /file=surgeon /table rename name to surgname merge hospid /file=hospital /table rename name to hospname
the /table option makes sure, that several patients can get information from one record in the hospital or surgeon file. "Table lookup". Without the /table option, the key must be unique in the files. A key consists of the variables (as many as you like, e.g. sex age city) mentioned after the merge command. Notice that the file to merge now must be given with the /file parameter.
Users finding problems please discuss here or for definite errors report to the Mantis database. See www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Kind regards Jens Lauritsen