Dear all
I have placed version 2.1 of EpiData Analysis on the http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php for download.
As always we cannot be sure if some "un-discovered" problems remain. But obviously by moving to general download there should be no problems resulting in e.g. wrong estimation or break-down. None such has been reported, only some very special issues remaining - which you can see in the Mantis database - but these will not affect the vast majority of users.
If no major bugs show up within the next few days, the same version will be placed for general download. One of the aspects for which no feedback has been given is the lifetable and km-plot routines.
The documentation in the form of the overall and detailed command reference has been updated. In the next months all the pdf based documentation will be revised and updated with current screen design etc.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association