Greetings. 2 things.
1. I saw an example from Epidata which looked like this: c:\epidata\epidatastat myreport.pgm
I haven't tried this but, does this mean that epidatastat will execute the .pgm???
I would lke to see all components of EpiData, analysis, editor etc. to be Able to for example: EpiENTER <file.rec>, EpiEDITOR <*.pgm>, EpiSIS <myreport.pgm> etc.
Why? When developing systems using MENUs it seems to be better to 'hide' from the General user the database, reports .pgm etc. Selecting EpiData and then option 4 Exposes databases etc. to perhaps a not so sophisticated user.
2. I work for the CDC/Global AIDS Program and I think I have managed folks to Investigate placing EpiData, analysis etc. into what we call a software development Tool kit.
I have been asked if I would conduct a 'brown bag' demonstration etc. I do not think I have enough experience as yet to do the software justice, expecially Analysis. Is there someone out there who would like to discuss this with me?
Thanks and stay safe, kelly