Do you have text fields in the data - especially fields that may contain special characters?
You can import a lot of data from excel - for example, I just loaded a test data set with 4401 records:
Loading data from clipboard, please wait... First line: (clipboard) id n m q r w t u c d e f g h i j k l m Separator: Tab (tab: 79236)(semicolon: 0)(comma: 0)(space: 0) Lines: 4402 (incl. field names) File name :from clipboard Fields: 19 Total records: 4401 Included: 4401
I you can import 50 lines, then I suspect there is a problem with one of the records that follows.
if you want me to try to diagnose the problem, you can send your .rec and .chk files to me
charlesknightsbridge (at) gmail.com
I'll have a look and then delete everything, including the e-mail.
On 2012-05-27, Mohammed wrote:
I also exported the file, 1065 records, into excel and when I tried to copy and import it into epidata analysis immediately, the software shut down immediately. It only works with 50 records.