The file structure seems to be more complicated than is necessary. If all of the files Q1, Q2, ... are exactly the same structure, just add another field to indicate the discipline and enter all of the discipline questions (12 x 21) in a single file (I'll call this DISCQ).
In QUEST, you have the relate the way you do now.
You can actually program the chk file for DISCQ to change the discipline and question numbers automatically if you want, provided that the data are always in exactly the same order. Or you can use REPEATS to repeat the discipline number until all of the questions for that discipline are answered.
When you have finished entering all of the 12x21 questions, just hit <F10> to go back to the QUEST file. The way your files are structured now, I think you have to hit <F10> 12 times to go back from Q12.rec to QUEST.rec.
On 2011-04-25, Silvano wrote:
My research instrument contains 21 questions to be answered for 12 disciplines in a course. The number of respondents is approximately 100 people.
Each question will be answered for all disciplines. I am attaching an example with three questions (one question for each file.)