Hi Pedro,
I've gone through the code for the previous version of this .epx to R conversion and there is one challenge with the revised .epx format. Some of the changes are simple to accommodate, but the data records no longer present the individual field values as xml objects. This means that the data record must be parsed. It isn't too difficult, but until this R code gets changed, the best option would be to use Manager to export the data to stata and then use the existing R library (foreign) to read the stata file.
On 2012-07-30, Pedro wrote:
One the things that was limiting me to definitely move from 3.1 to new EpiData with new epx and epz format is that I was not able to import epx/epz data form within R. Currently, from a R users list I was awere of this user made function. So now Im will try to let 3.1 go and gradually transform my files to XML based formta. If there is any R use in this list, could any help me test if it works nicely?