17 Jan
17 Jan
6:38 a.m.
Dear fellow, There is a way for checking duplicating records in epi data usi procedure 1. on the menu bar go to document 2 .slect validate duplicate files NB:name the file eg.a and b and when you select option 2 3 put appropriate file in file 1 or 2 and it will check it for you.
or the order option is to go to view data and sort the data and it will show you the duplicate files.
On Mon, January 16, 2006 2:23 am, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Is there an easy way to check for duplicate records during data cleaning after data entry? Currently we export EpiData sets to MS Excel and run a little routine - but maybe someone has some within EpiData solution. Tx Max
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