Delete data or records
I have made one test in my Entry-file. I have saved one record in the Entry-file, now I can’t change, delete or save in my Manger-file.
I have also tried to rename and import again. It continues to link back and report that the file contains data entered earlier.
There comes a warning with "Fields contains data" and when I say yes to delete, I can’t subsequently be allowed to save.
The report "Access violation" press Ok to ignore and risk data corruption or Press cancel to kill the program "
-How can I delete or empty data or records in a Entry file. (I have tried the delete function in Entry)
The file is made in version 1.4.1. the file is an epx file made on my MacBook. I have installed the
new version 1.4.2.
Thanks in advance
MD, PhD student
Depart. of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine
Aarhus University Hospital
Tage Hansens Gade 2