Can anyone help with this?
We set up an EpiData database with a notes file <filename>.not. The notes file appears to have corrupted and has taken the qualitative data from over 40 surveys with it. I was wondering if there was any way I could recover this or if I'll need to re-enter all the data manually into a word document.
To help work out what/where/if something went wrong with EpiData the breakdown of events is as follows:
* First ~45 surveys are entered without issue.
* From ~survey 45 when the notes file opened up it would not allow me to type unless I pressed enter a few times and then backspace (pressing enter once and backspace once would create space for two characters to be typed). It was cumbersome but the data was still going in alright.
* On closing the notes file whilst entering survey 60 the computer froze for a moment and EpiData was 'not responding' for about 20-30 seconds and then went back to normal functioning.
* The next time the notes file was opened the cursor appeared about halfway through the qualitative data for survey 19 and all data after there had been wiped. I opened the notes file in notepad to confirm this was the case.
Do you know of some recovery technique for this kind of problem?
Suzanna Vidmar Senior Research Officer Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Royal Children's Hospital Flemington Road Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia
telephone: +61 3 9345 6372 facsimile: +61 3 9345 6000 email: suzanna.vidmar@mcri.edu.au www.mcri.edu.au http://www.mcri.edu.au/