3 Jan
3 Jan
7:58 a.m.
Have you tried using the .REC file from 1) with the .CHK file from 2)?
Normally, I would have done pretty much the same as you, but like this:
Use the windows command line to copy files, in this order. copy ru21.qes ru22.qes Run EpiData to create ru22.rec from ru22.qes copy ru21.chk ru22.chk
On Jan 3, 2022, at 4:19 AM, EpiData development and support epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
- The other years I went in RU21.CHK and renamed it RU22.CHK and it worked
When I do this now, I have 3 pages of errors on CHK (which is exactly the same which works with RU21) quite impossible to correct
- SECOND OPTION: I went on Epidata analysis and created without any problem RU22.rec Through the procedure
SAVEDATA c:\data\RU22.REC. with an automatic transfer of the RU21.CHK to RU22.CHK