How do you exchange the .rec-files? Via a Unix operating system to Windows, e.g. via the internet? It may happen that this modifies the <cr><lf> (carriage return/line feeds) at the end of the lines.
One solution would be to send/receive files packed in .zip files, that way the <cr><lf> characters should be kept as they are. Another possibility is using a good text editor (like Ultra Edit) that allows to modify the CR/LFs from Unix text file to Windows text files or vice versa (i.e. to repair them).
Please let me know whether this was helpful! Dirk
Nicole wrote:
I cannot open the EpiData rec files from my colleague, the error message "one or more records are corrupted" shows up. My colleague can open the files normally. We are both using EpiData version 3.1.
I looked at the files in the notepad, but it seems to me that they look like my own files (which are fine).
Can somebody help me? I need my colleague's files to validate duplicate files with my files.
======================================== Dr. Dirk Enzmann Institute of Criminal Sciences Dept. of Criminology Rothenbaumchaussee 33 D-20148 Hamburg Germany
phone: +49-(0)40-42838.7498 (office) +49-(0)40-42838.4591 (Mrs Billon) fax: +49-(0)40-42838.2344 email: dirk.enzmann@uni-hamburg.de http://www2.jura.uni-hamburg.de/instkrim/kriminologie/Mitarbeiter/Enzmann/En... ========================================