EpiData friends,
One the things that was limiting me to definitely move from 3.1 to new EpiData with new epx and epz format is that I was not able to import epx/epz data form within R. Currently, from a R users list I was awere of this user made function. So now Im will try to let 3.1 go and gradually transform my files to XML based formta. If there is any R use in this list, could any help me test if it works nicely?
kind regards,
Dr. Pedro Emmanuel A. A. do Brasil Curriculum Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6597654894290806 Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro - Brasil Av. Brasil 4365, CEP 21040-360, Tel 55 21 3865-9648 email: pedro.brasil@ipec.fiocruz.br email: emmanuel.brasil@gmail.com
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