Public testing of version 2 of EpiData Analysis can now begin.
A lot of work has been done to reshape internal parts of EpiData Analysis. All users are now encouraged to participate in the testing. A system of comparing estimates, counting with results of Stata or Epi6 is applied. Currently the system contains around 1000 different tests. But maybe the system is not taking care of all problems, therefore user tests are also important.
A complete list of changes is shown at http://www.epidata.dk/analysisversioninfo.htm. Main points are: Output is simplified. You only get what you ask for. To get more add options (e.g. /T) to the command Tables Extended (sorting, percentages, weights, outbreak) Metadata commands: missingvalue, labelvalue, rename Outbreak analysis: "tab outcome exposure variables /oa" "epicurve datevar outcome group"
The test version is placed at: Http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php Please discuss the new version on this list. If you find definite bugs report to http://www.epidata.dk/php/mantis, where all development is documented. .............................................................. Regarding the discussion last week of differences btw. open-source and free software.
As announced earlier a "master plan" for rewriting all EpiData Software to Open-Source as well as platform independence is part of the general development plan for EpiData. Releasing software as open-source makes no sense if the structure and content of the product is not sufficiently modular to allow for several independent development lines.
Someone might disagree with me on this, but knowing how fragile software development is and seing the increased requirements for documentation and quality assurance I am assured that a controlled situation is preferable at this point in time. For almost all end users having a stable, quality assured software line is more important than having access to independent and possibly confusing development. But there should be no doubt that the aim is at an appropriate time to release the product source-code as open-source.
Should anyone have a lot of energy or time to add to the project there are many issues needing assistance, e.g. answering questions on the epidata-list, assisting in sorting incoming mails to the help line, releasing mails for the epidata-list coming from un-subscribed persons, creating a FAQ collection such as that running for Stata at http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/ or joining a group running a wiki for EpiData, which could contain the FAQ. A start of this can be seen at www.epidata.org/wiki, but will not be announced before such a group has been established (A coordinator has been found). Notice also that for EpiData Entry users can develop their own CHK file commands. Modules for doing so (source code and examples) are found on http://www.epidata.dk/documentation.php ..............................................................
Kind regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association