EpiData does not allow simultaneous use on a network. I have generally assigned unique numbers (studyid) before data entry and the ID is entered by the clerk. Each person doing data entry is given a unique set of study IDs to use.
a) Set the starting automatic ID at 100, 200, 300, etc for additional data entry clerks.
b) Let each data entry clerk use ID numbers starting at 1, but add a field that indicates the data entry set.
In both situations, the data entry clerk MUST transcribe the resulting ID to the paper copy.
We do this often in our training sessions where each of the students enters part of the data.
Jamie Hockin Ottawa
On 2010-04-26, SK wrote:
I have multiple data entry clerks entering data on different Epidata REC files. Because of data entry back-log I wish to get additional staff to enter data on the said REC files simultaneously. I have overcome this problem by "splitting" (more like copying the file REC to another terminal) the database REC file (with its CHK and QES) so that 2 staff could enter the data at same time. The problem is that when we assign a unique studyid, in say RECfile#1, RECfile#2 can't counter check if that studyid is being duplicated. Could someone show me how to share a common REC file for simultaneous data entry? I know Epidata can't be run through a network server, or linked to a server database, like MS SQL sever, or MySQL databases. If it can could you show me how to do this? or even place the REC files on the network drive and share them for data entry, is this possible? How?