Dear Vladimir:
You find at:
in the navigation tab "EpiData course", in Part B: Introduction to EpiData Analysis, Exercise 3: "Aggregating data and saving the summary data in a file" which gives you precise answers to your questions (if you don't want to do the exercise obtain the two PDF files for Task and Solution respectively, it should suffice).
You will note that EpiData Analysis exceeds Epi Info in power and efficiency in this respect as well.
On 25-Feb-16 15:10, EpiData development and support wrote:
Dear colleagues from my rec file with individual data I created and aggregate file with district, agegroup and year of notification. For each combination I have a cummulative count of cases. Now I am not able to use this aggregate table as it was possible in Epiinfo v6. Something like:
sumtable agegroup n /by=strict (to have a agegroup table with cumulative numbers for each district)
Thanks for advise